There was a little break in the bad weather, but it came back in a dramatic way this weekend! The rain and wind storm Sunday morning is up there in the top 10 bad storms I’ve seen since moving to the Amalfi Coast. This was one of those close-the-shutters-put-on-the-red-sparkly-shoes-and-hope-the-house-doesn’t-blow-away sort of storms. Just before we went out to join friends for lunch the sky cleared and we made a mad dash to the car. Well, as madly as one can dash up steps while wearing Hunter rain boots. (Note: Don’t try that at home kids.)

The sky was blue but the sea was angry, sending in big waves crashing against Amalfi. Always a striking view! It was a strange mix to see blue skies and big waves together. Part of the parking area along the port was closed for, well, obvious reasons. You wouldn’t have wanted to park there yesterday!

After lunch, while we walked along the port, the sea had already calmed down and the afternoon was clear and calm. What a difference a few hours can make!
Amazing photos! I remember a storm like that when I was there…eating a shrimp pasta dish watching the wild waves out of the restaurant window…really beautiful, emotional photos, Laura…thanks for sharing!!!
That was such a cool experience having lunch right by the waves crashing. Amazing memories!