It has been a rather brutal week in the weather department on the Amalfi Coast, with seemingly endless rain and very strong winds. When the rain stops, I quickly lace up my shoes and head out for a walk. This is a view I caught last week while out for an evening walk, which seemed the perfect way to peacefully bring back the Foto Friday series on Ciao Amalfi. It has been ages since I regularly posted photos each Friday, but it’s just one of the intentions I have for my blog this year. Wishing everyone a happy weekend ahead … with hopeful a great deal more sunshine than predicted for the soggy Amalfi Coast!
Look forward to Friday pictures.
Thanks, Lois! I’m very happy to be back and sharing them again. Stay tuned each Friday!
Beautiful photo, Laura. Glad to have your photo Fridays again!
Thanks, Mom! It’s good to be back. 🙂
What a beautiful photo Laura! Hope you get some sunshine soon.
Thanks, Anita! It has been sunny off and on … but mostly rainy still. It’s that time of year!