A few years back now, my mother read Traveling with Pomegranates: A Mother- Daughter Story by Sue Monk Kidd and Ann Kidd Taylor. I don’t recall now just how it happened–chance, a recommendation, a gift–but I do know it was a treasure. As she read the story and shared about it with me, it became an important part of our own mother-daughter story. I’ll always think of my mom when I enjoy the strange sweetness of a pomegranate.
That year she gave me the book, and I’ve had it sitting in a treasured spot on my bookshelf waiting for just the right time to read it. How would I know just the right time? I couldn’t have told you if you asked, but I knew I would feel it. I wouldn’t have been able to tell you that it would be August 2011, but it did turn out to be just the right time.
As I read this beautifully written mother-daughter memoir, I found myself associating on so many levels with both Sue and Ann. The daughter as she struggled to discover and let blossom her passion for writing, and the mother for her search for peace within herself, especially finding peace with the desire to write fiction. Both Sue and Ann write about their travels together in a compelling, deeply thoughtful and personal way. As they explore ancient religious sites in Greece, Turkey, France and also cope with major changes in their personal lives in South Carolina, both mother and daughter find themselves coming together. As the perspective changes from Sue to Ann, we see their relationship deepening and widening. The beautiful settings form a backdrop to the real action happening inside both of them. With their simple and captivating writing style, it’s an extraordinary experience to be able to join them on this journey.
While reading I came back time and again to my relationship with my mother, the most influential and treasured relationship in my life. It’s difficult to express the gratefulness I feel for having my mother and my best friend as a companion in life’s adventures. They are deep feelings that are hard to put into words, and I treasured having the chance to hear two talented writers explore this moving topic.
As she does many moments throughout the story, Sue Monk Kidd finds the perfect quotation to end the book that pulls together and captures the spirit and love that both mother and daughter express through their writing in Traveling with Pomegranates. Anais Nin wrote, “We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospection.” To taste life once through the eyes of a talented writer is one of life’s greatest pleasures. Two at the same time is a rare joy.
<sounds a lovely book.
Ciao Pat! I really enjoyed the read. I haven’t read any of Sue Monk Kidd’s fiction yet, but this book really inspired me to want to read The Secret Life of Bees since the memoir covers the period when she was writing that book. Love it when one book inspires you to pick up another! 🙂
Laura, thank you so much for this recommendation and for the tender way you speak of the mother daughter relationship/feelings. One of my daughter’s and I travel together often. We’re going to Chile next week, as a matter of fact. We’ve been to Italy together years ago and were JUST talking last night of our joint desire to go to Asissi. We’ll do it. I’m going to Amazon right now to order this book. Writing to taste life twice – I love that!
Ciao Barb! Thank you for your lovely comment. I have been wondering lately about the books reviews, and hoping that readers would enjoy them. One comment like that makes it worth it! 🙂 I think you’ll love this book and that it will speak to you on so many levels since you have such a close relationship with your daughters. How fabulous that you’re going to Chile soon! Have a wonderful time!
Thank you so much for recommending this book! I also have a close relationship with my mother and know she’ll enjoy reading this story with me. It’s always so nice to hear of other mother-daughter duos since, sometimes, that type of close, family relationship feels rare.
Dear Erica, Thank you for your lovely comment! I am grateful every day for the close relationship with my mother, even though at the moment we live on opposite sides of the world. I think you’re right that it’s rare, and that’s why I treasure it so much. I agree that it’s really nice to hear of others who have close mother-daughter relationhips! I think you both will enjoy this read! 🙂
I love pomegrantes .. Unfortunately it has taken a long time for me and mum to have a close relationship .. not everyone has the connection. I am not sure why we never got on (maybe now) , it could be that I was the eldest of 3 and we were all under the age of 4 years old..and my sister and brother were closer … I lost my father at the age of 10 , and that had an affect on me too. You are very lucky .. I am very lucky to have the closeness with my sons. Well the eldest son and I are closer , but my youngest son as Aspergers syndrome which makes him want to be on his own alot. But we are close in his way.
Ciao Anne! I wish there were always answers to those why questions, because I think everyone them for different relationships in their lives. I’m really happy to hear that you are close to your two sons, in whatever way it comes it is a treasure! It’s important to focus on those things we can be grateful for! 🙂
I loved your review Laura and will be adding it to my wishlist, thankyou. The Marinella beach I remember well, would often sit there after going down to Amalfi for any shopping we could not get in Conca.
So happy you enjoyed the review, Linda! I was thinking about the book this morning while enjoying a lovely white pomegranate that I found in Amalfi. Yum! I also head to Amalfi to do shopping that I can find in the little town we live in. The white pomegranate was an unexpected treat! 🙂