Throw your dreams into space like a kite
and you do not know what it will bring back,
a new life, a new friend, a new love,
a new country. – Anais Nin
One year ago I started my blog with this hopeful and honest post featuring the above quotation by Anais Nin. After throwing my dreams way out there over and over again during the past year, I have indeed met many new friends, created a new life for myself as a freelance writer and fallen in love all over again with the Amalfi Coast. It has been quite a year! I want to express my gratitude to my dedicated readers, many of whom have become cherished friends, and to those who have helped me so much along the way. Every day I am reminded in one way or another just how happy I am that I started Ciao Amalfi!
To celebrate the one year blogiversary of Ciao Amalfi, I want to give you all a peek behind the scenes about some upcoming changes here. I am in the process of redesigning the blog with a new domain name, and I hope to launch the fun new layout later this month. Since I don’t know at all what I am doing (don’t worry… I’m an expert at not knowing what I’m doing…) there might be a few bumpy moments as things get transferred and redesigned. I will be expanding and reorganizing my links during this time as well. Please feel free to contact me at if you have any comments, suggestions or links you would like to share. During the redesign process my regular features like Tempting Tuesdays and Sunday Shout-outs will be on hold. But don’t you worry, regular posts will keep on coming!
Happy Blogiversary Ciao Amalfi!!
Congratulations on your blogiversary and for sharing that beautiful part of the world with us.
Happy Blogiversary Laura, amazing blog you have, I love reading it , looking at your fantastic photos and the great Sunday Shouts you give .. 🙂
I love the quotation, now I should take heed and listen to it… I am stuck in a rut….
Look forward to seeing your new design blog 🙂
Happy Blogiversary Laura! 🙂
It's been such a pleasure getting to know you over the past year and I look forward to seeing what you have in store. You have an amazing blog and I enjoy reading it. All the best in 2010!
Auguri! And may you celebrate many, many more blogiversaries 🙂
How exciting – COngratulations, it's fun when you get to your 1 year of blogging-thanks for sharing all the beauty of Amalfi with us!
Best of luck Laura. We look forward to the new design. Thanks for all the wonderful posts.
Ciao cara. Tanti auguri. I love that photo – it is so appropriate. I have learned a lot from you and thank you for keeping me up to date on my "future" home? 😉
If you want a hand from someone else who hasn't much of a clue we could bash our heads together some time!
(P.S I am shocked that you have taken to graffiti-ing your blog name onto the walls!! (joke)
Auguri, so glad I found your Blog. long may you continue to keep alive my many happy memories of Amalfi.
Yay! Happy Blogiversary Laura, and congratulations! Can't wait to see the newly designed blog.
I'm glad to have met you through your blog!
Ciao Amalfi is ciao Laura for me now. I'll be there early February. See you then?
Happy Blogiversary…Looking forward to your new page.
Congratulations on you blog being one year old. I love blogging! Thank you for sharing your corner of the world with me.
Happy Blogiversary! You have a great blog with beautiful photos.
Congratulations! I always enjoy my visit to your blog.
Congratulations! Auguri! Happy Blogiversary!! You have made the blogsphere a better place, you know that? So I hope you will be celebrating for many many years in the future.
I look forward to seeing the new layout and catching up with all your wonderful writing and your inspiring and enthusiastic outlook on life.
Ciao Laura!
Happy Blogiversary Laura! I wish you many more! Thank You
Auguri! Happy Birthday! Tante belle cose.
Happy Birthblog! Wishing you many more blogannos to come.
Happy Be-lated Blogiversary! Look forward to seeing what 2010 will bring for you and the blog!