Earlier today I was feeling a bit bad for all my complaining about the rainy weather here. Tomorrow it is predicted to be rainy and cloudy again, but this time I am happy! So why the change? Tomorrow is Groundhog day! I have just learned that here in Italy there is a similar tradition, called Feast of the Candelora, which coincides with a religious holiday celebrating the Presentation of Christ in the Temple and the Purification of the Virgin Mary. This interesting article does a very good job of explaining the history of the traditions and the present day connection with the weather. Similar to the tradition in America and Canada with the Groundhog’s shadow, the author of that article includes the Italian saying: “Per la Santa Candelora se nevica o se plora, dell’inverno siamo fora, ma se è sole o solicello, siamo sempre a mezzo inverno (‘For the Holy Candelora, it it snows or if it rains, we are through with winter, but if there is sunshine or even just a little sun, we are still in the middle of winter’).” So bring on the rain, bring on the clouds, anything but the sun tomorrow! I am most definitely ready for this bad weather to end, and so is my cat:
This article is very interesting and informative. Amazing to find out that Groundhog Day is not just a silly holiday contrived by people in Pennsylvania to attract tourists and make money. Thanks for the enlightenment and the religious connections! The Groundhog saw his shadow in Pennsylvania so we will see how accurate his prediction is this year. General Lee..the prognosticator in Atlanta did not..so they may be ready for spring in the southern U.S…Hope you had rain rain and more rain in Southern Italy!